Dr. Trohák Attila
assistant professor
I think everybody have seen factories, machines working automatically. But how is it possible?
In the course we learn about the main components and subsystems of the industrial automation systems and we learn to work with them. We learn about the PLC’s (Programmable Logic Controller). This will be the brain of our systems. We learn how to realize the program which will be responsible for the operation. We learn how to use the timers, counters, comparators, arithmetic functions. We solve a control engineering task with an easy example.
In the modern systems the machines are communicating with each other or with units which help us to use less wire in a system. We give examples how to configure and use them. Often it is necessary to be able to communicate with other peripheries such as RFID of barcode readers or to be able to communicate through the GPRS network.
For these machines to be able to operate we need not only the PLC. We also need sensors to measure physical parameters and actuators to interact with the process.
The machines has to be able to communicate with the operators so we learn how to create a human-machine interface.
In industrial applications the data collection is very important. Because of this we learn how to collect data based on LabVIEW and we talk about analogue control.
I hope I could wake interest and I can welcome you as a student of the course.
assistant professor
PhD student