István Fazekas
Msc. in Electrical Engineering
In the course first we examine the operational principle of some of the most popular cross-platform mobile frameworks, and we'll get a deeper understanding of Qt development environment.
Prior to that you will get a short introduction to the most important features of C++ programming language. Then, you'll learn how to use Qt Creator program- and form editor, and get acquented with some important classes in Qt's class library.
As an excersise, we shall write a phonebook application, and during the course of the work we shall see how to separate the user interface from the main software engine of the application.
We'll have a look at Qt's new, easy-to-use, but most versatile and attractive user interface, the QML based Qt Quick, and finally we shall rework the user interface of our phonebook with this new, dynamic front.
Introduction to IT.
Msc. in Electrical Engineering
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